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πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Before starting my digital self-improvement journey, I started like many of you on Google. Then I moved onto watching Youtube video after Youtube video. I consumed the full spectrum of content from Tai Lopez to the Shopify Dropshipping Guru quickly finding my self on their blogs, Instagram accounts, and emails.

I was overwhelmed by the "Gurus" and fed up with the regurgitated content. It was endless! So much noise. So many distractions. Too much information. Over time you could just sort the BS, with the actual Entrepreneurs who walked the walk and tell the truth. I wish I'd known this a lot sooner... Don't get me wrong though.. you can learn a lot with youtube for free... until I realized the insanity in this space... And changed my game.

😱 Here's the problem, the online learning universe can easily turn into an endless Blackhole thanks to the internet. Anyone can upload their online course. In addition to that, it's hard to determine peoples online credibility. Searching for the latest courses can quickly consume hours of your day searching for the perfect course!

Learning something new can take up to 20 hours to learn the basics of any new skill and 10,000 hours towards mastery. With all that time spent finding the course, you could have invested in building your actual business. So how did I start learning digital content effectively?

πŸ‘ŒThe good news here is a massive change earthquake on its way and the solution is the Library of References.

As digital entrepreneurs, it's important to stay relevant with the latest strategies to stretch our digital marketing superpowers. I wanted to learn more about digital marketing but was overwhelmed with all the fluff. We've simplified the learning process and collected ideas from the freshest courses on the web.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. In addition, we've curated of content. Our shared knowledge community shares notes and key ideas learned throughout each course. Ensuring your journey to digital marketing mastery is as seamless as possible. 

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